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Pamela kelly
9 months ago

Hi how much is it for the food gor the gliders please



Sugar glider food called SGS2 diet was developed by Marie Bannister in the UK. The SGS2 diet contains some of the items that sugar gliders would eat in the wild. In SGS2 diet important are proportions apply for gliders: low fat, low sugar and plenty of variety. 

Sugar gliders' owners usually ask:

What sugar glider food should I give to my sugar glider?

What is best sugar glider food

What sugar glider food should I choose for my sugar glider? 

What sugar glider food recipe is best in the UK? 

What sugar glider food is healthy? 

What is SGS2 sugar glider food

There are lots of sugar glider food and diet recipes, choosing the right one might be challenging but SGS2 sugar glider food is highly effective diet giving fantastic improvements in gliders' health and wellbeing.

There is a photo album on the Sugar Gliders UK Facebook showing these amazing improvements. 

Furthermore I am experienced sugar gliders' owner and their health is a priority for me. Sugar glider food called SGS2 diet is fully recommended to anybody who owns sugar gliders